The sign of a good player’s gaming is to put his opponent on a hand. It also seems interesting to know that some losing players are also able to put their opponents in a hand. Unfortunately, they are regarded as losing players due to inability of executing what they have learnt or read. They are fully aware of the correct movements, but fail to perform according to them.
I remember an event when I was looking to win a pot where I had just played a hand for an hour. Incidentally, this was a right approach as I was dealing with some good hands. I raised and certainly won the game. As I was busy in collecting chips from the table, my opponent said that he knew about me having some good hands. It is often not to be strange to hear from any of the opponent saying similar things to you after the showdown of your winning hand such as; I know you had a hand like this or that. The amazing thing what I felt every time is that the players like this are very intelligent to read the hands of their opponents. Sometimes perfectly, they become able to put their opponents on a hand.
Still they lose, as they do not act according to what they read. They do not implement or execute on their reads. There always arises a question that if a player have some potentials and abilities to read his opponents hand, then why he get lost several times? Why not he bet out and calls? If he is able to read someone’s hand so perfectly, why not he utilizes his abilities to win his game?
Proper analysis of these situations reflects the existence of three common mistakes in poker gaming. Whether, these mistakes arrive continuously or shortly, but always lead to motivate the player to read more perfectly his opponent’s hand. There are some most common excuses and their consequences regarding such type of situations to make oneself motivated, still they must be avoided.
Firstly, if someone is playing against a tight and aggressive player, the correct execution of someone’s read is to fold his cards whenever it is needed. Though, most of the players prefer to call for the turn and then river knowing the fact of losing the game. They are simply interested for calling so as to satisfy themselves regarding reading correctly the hand of a tight poker. This is a silly act and ridiculous too. Why he is putting his opponent on a hand if he is unable to act on his read?
Secondly, silly change of mind at a certain situation costs a lot. Whenever, someone is going to call, bet or raise, at times changes his mood and simultaneously decisions too. If someone is beat, the situations become more critical. In such situations he should believe in his first instinct and stop imaging up the hands to beat his opponents and designate hands to him. A critical analysis of situation is essential in this regard.
Finally, showing the lost hand to everyone is very common mistake in poker gaming. If a player is a having good hand then also he tends to showdown at a certain situation and quits. They just want to get sympathy of other players by throwing away their money that they are having such a good hand and they are giving it out to them. This shows their carelessness regarding flowing their money without any reason just for acquiring good reputation falsely.
These three mistakes leads to waste the hard-earn income of a player while losing the game due to the wrong implementation of their reads and false attitude. But it should be avoided to improve one’s casino as well as winning too.